
Hi there and thanks for visiting my book review site.

I hope you can find a recommendation for a good book, or be able to avoid a crappy one.

I am not a professional reviewer. I don’t have a set format or length. I have my own opinion, which may not be mainstream, literary or even particularly logical. If you disagree, feel free to tell me so by commenting.



3 Replies to “About”

  1. Hi, Andreas.

    I wondered if you’d be interested in reviewing Thomas Locke’s new techno-thriller (near-future sci-fi), TRIAL RUN. Here’s a brief description:

    Reese Clawson is desperate to take control of the groundbreaking research done by Italian psychologist, Professor Gabriella Speciale. The professor has discovered a way to control and direct out-of-body experiences, defying the laws of gravity, locality, and time. Clawson is not above spying, stealing, or killing to get her hands on this perception-bending technology and selling it to the highest bidder without regard to any possible consequences or human collateral damage. Professor Speciale and her team know that if Clawson isn’t stopped, the past and the future will be at risk.

    We’re looking for readers who would like to receive a free ARC (paper) or NetGalley (digital) copy, read the book, and then review it on Amazon and one other outlet, like your fabulous blog here. 🙂 The book releases on August 4, so we’re asking reviewers to be ready to post around late July.

    If you’re interested, please email me and we can work out the details. Thanks!

    Lindsay Franklin
    (for Blogging Bistro)

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